What Women Are Saying About Their Breakthrough Journey

At Breakthrough BodyMind, I’ve had the honor of guiding many incredible women on their journeys toward confidence, courage, and connection. Here are some of their stories—women who’ve embraced adventure, reconnected with their inner strength, and created lasting change in their lives.

Their transformations are a testament to the power of nature, movement, and BodyMind wisdom.

“I’m feeling more calm and empowered”

I am most proud of creating a sense of calm and excitement about the transition of my kids moving on and looking at how I’m going to best spend my time and energy before retirement years.  I found the worksheets and resources you made available to me most helpful.  I had enough space and time to do the work and I loved the support over email and text.  I have really enjoyed doing this work with Angelique, and appreciate all the time and energy she has put forth.  I can confidently refer others to Angelique for coaching.


Chiropractor (Owner)

Truly Transformational



Angelique’s presence as a coach is truly transformational. She helps leaders and high achievers see the simple things in life that are easy to miss. If you are looking for someone who will help you find a sense of balance in your life, Angelique is the best. I highly recommend her!

- Laura

Owner BodyMind Coaching

“I am confident that I can do anything"

I feel capable that I can address situations that come up head on because I am confident that I can do anything. Since working with Angelique, I have gained a sense of humor, which is big, and lost vanity and insecurities. I have a support system in place and am not going backwards, I’m only moving forward. I have had a lot of inner growth and am accepting of what I’ve learned about myself, and how I handle situations that come up because ‘I’m OK’.


Retired and loving life

I was blocking my own growth"

I have found a deeper understanding of my thought process, what energizes me and what feels good. I often made decisions because ‘I should’ rather than ‘I want to’. I discovered that I can make it happen! And I did.. I learned that I can set boundaries, and that I can control my own expectations. I am a take charge person, but often didn't follow through on things that would make me happy. The BodyMind method created a shift that was light and easy, felt good to me and focused on where I was feeling it in my body. It was gently done and inspiring.


"Working with Angelique has been life-changing. I went from feeling lost and disconnected from my body to feeling empowered, confident, and ready to take on new challenges. The group hikes and BodyMind modules gave me clarity and courage I didn’t know I had.”

– Sarah, ‘Ignite Your Internal Compass’ participant

 “Angelique helped me break through mental blocks I’ve had for years. The one-on-one BodyMind coaching sessions were transformative, and I finally feel like I’m in control of my life again. I can’t recommend her enough!”

– Amanda, 1:1 BodyMind Coaching client

“The workshops and hikes are unlike anything I’ve experienced. The combination of nature, movement, and mindfulness brought me back to myself. I’ve learned how to set healthy boundaries, and I now feel more connected to my inner wisdom. I’m forever grateful.”

– Emily, workshop participant

“Angelique’s Laser Coaching sessions gave me quick clarity on an issue that had been weighing me down for months. In just 30 minutes, I had a breakthrough and knew exactly what to do next. I’m so thankful for her insight!”

– Lisa, Laser Coaching client

Ready to Start Your Own Journey?

Inspired by these stories? You can experience your own transformation, too. Whether you’re looking to join a group program, book a 1:1 coaching session, or simply start with a connection call, I’m here to guide you.

Take the first step toward embracing adventure, reconnecting with your body, and living with confidence.


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