What Grief Teaches Us About Life and BodyMind Connection

Oct 11, 2024


Last month, I attended a beautiful service for my brother-in-law, who passed away in August. His life was a testament to what it means to truly live—to embrace every day with joy, adventure, and presence. His passing has stayed with me, not just because of the loss, but because his life left a mark on how I want to live my own. The service was a reminder that grief, while heavy, can also teach us something deeply valuable about living fully.

Through my own journey with grief, I’ve discovered that while it’s a painful process, it’s also a powerful teacher. Grief forces us to slow down, feel the weight of our emotions, and stay present with ourselves in ways we often avoid. It brings us into the here and now—into our bodies and minds—if we allow it to. And in this presence, there’s wisdom to be found.


I have had several losses in the past few years.  In my experience, grief is a natural response to loss.  But it also brings a whirlwind of confusion.  I have found myself questioning my purpose, questioning my direction, even questioning my identity.  This sense of disorientation has made me feel as though everything I once knew is slipping away.  In my quest to find meaning or clarity, I’m very aware that I don’t have all the answers, but I try to make space for myself to feel, reflect and gently find a path forward.  Being clear about my grief isn't about erasing my grief, it’s about understanding that even in grief, I can seek alignment with my core values and begin to see a way through.  

Grief has a unique way of pulling us out of the rush of life and into the present moment. When we experience the loss of someone important to us, our body feels it—whether through the tightness in your chest, the heaviness in your limbs, or the fatigue that sets in. The emotions we carry in our minds manifest physically, reminding us that we can’t separate our thoughts from our bodies.


In my journey with grief, I have found that nature offers a safe space to pause and reflect.  Being in nature allows me to connect with something larger than myself, providing a sense of peace in the midst of heartache.

By tuning into our bodies during grief, we can stay grounded and find moments of clarity. Even though our minds may be flooded with memories, emotions, and pain, the body has a way of anchoring us in the present if we allow ourselves to listen. In my own journey, I’ve found that being physically present—whether through mindful movement, deep breathing, or simply acknowledging how I feel—helps me stay connected.


When grief becomes overwhelming, our bodies send us messages. Sometimes they tell us to slow down, to breathe, to rest. Other times, they nudge us to get outside, move, or reconnect with the world. This is the BodyMind connection at work—a reminder that healing happens when we honor both the physical and emotional sides of ourselves.


One of the ways I’ve found peace during this time is by leaning into the wisdom of my body. Walking in nature, taking time to breathe deeply, and even practicing simple body scans have been helpful tools. These practices help me check in with how I’m feeling physically and emotionally, bringing me back into the present.

Here are a few practices that can support you in navigating loss or heavy emotions:

  • Mindful Movement: Engage in gentle movement, such as walking or stretching, to reconnect with your body and release some of the tension that grief brings.
  • Breathwork: Take time for deep breathing or pausing for a few mindful breaths. This helps ground you in the moment and calm the mind.
  • Nature Connection: Spending time outside can be incredibly healing. Whether it’s a walk in the woods, sitting by a stream, or simply noticing the world around you, nature has a way of helping us feel supported.


Grief doesn’t just teach us about loss—it also teaches us about life. My brother-in-law lived each day with purpose and joy, fully embodying the adventure of life. His legacy is a powerful reminder to all of us that living fully means being present in both our minds and bodies.  Being present with our loved ones, in our relationships and in our one precious life.

In reflecting on his life, I’ve been inspired to think about how I can live more fully, even in the face of loss. When we stay connected to our BodyMind wisdom, we open up the possibility of truly experiencing life—both its highs and lows—with more depth.

To honor his legacy, I’m choosing to live with more awareness—to savor the small moments with family and friends, to connect with my body, and to be fully present in my life. This is how we can truly embody the wisdom of living fully.


Journal Prompts:

  •  “In what ways do I stay present in my life, even in difficult moments?”
  •  “How can I honor those I’ve lost by living fully, in both mind and body?”

Grief is never easy, but it has a way of teaching us lessons about presence, connection, and life. By leaning into our BodyMind wisdom, we can navigate loss with grace while finding ways to live fully, honoring both those we’ve lost and the life we’re still here to live. Let’s take the time to be present, connect with our bodies, and embrace the gift of life in every moment.


Ignite Your Internal Compass is a transformative program designed by women, for women, to guide youĀ in embracing adventure-- both on the trails and in everyday life. Ā Through the integration of BodyMind techniques an adventure mindset, and nature-based coaching, I help you connect with your body's innate wisdom, empowering you to cultivate confidence and grant yourself the permission to live authentically.

So, if you're a woman navigating the complexities of midlife, this is your invitation to join our supportive community. Led by women who understand your journey, Breakthrough BodyMind offers a unique space where you can embrace this journey and rediscover the adventurous spirit within you.


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