Reflecting on Summerā€™s Lessons and Welcoming the New Season with Gratitude

Aug 29, 2024

Are you excited or sad that the warmth of summer is beginning to fade and the days are growing shorter?  Like it or not, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new season. It’s a natural time to pause, reflect, and express gratitude for the experiences and growth we’ve encountered over the past few months. This transition from summer to autumn is an invitation to look back with appreciation and look forward with anticipation.


Reflecting on Summer’s Lessons

Summer often feels like a season of freedom—long days filled with adventure, exploration, and moments of pure joy. Whether you’ve spent your days hiking under the sun, connecting with loved ones, or simply soaking in the beauty of nature, these experiences shape us in powerful ways.

For me, this summer has been a season of both challenge and growth. I’ve had the privilege of guiding many of you on hikes and walks, witnessing your courage and resilience as you stepped out of your comfort zones and embraced new adventures. These shared experiences have not only enriched my life but have also deepened my belief in the transformative power of connection.  Connection with each other, with nature and BodyMind.

Take a moment to reflect on your summer:

  •  What were the highlights of your summer? 
    • Maybe you did a challenging hike that pushed your limits.. Maybe it was a peaceful morning walk that cleared your mind, or perhaps a spontaneous adventure that brought unexpected joy.
  • How did you grow during these months? 
    • Did you discover new strengths, embrace uncertainty, or learn to savor the present moment?
    • These lessons, though rooted in the warmth of summer, can guide us as we move into the cooler months both on and off the trail.
  • What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? 
    • Summer isn’t always easy, and the obstacles we encounter often teach us the most. Reflect on these moments and the resilience you cultivated along the way.


Cultivate Gratitude for the Summer Season

Gratitude is a powerful practice that helps us acknowledge and appreciate the gifts in our lives. While you reflect on your summer, take time to express gratitude for the experiences, people, and moments that enriched your life.

Here are a few prompts to guide your gratitude practice:


  • What moments from this summer are you most grateful for? 
    • Consider the times that brought you joy, peace, or a sense of accomplishment.
  • Who were the people that made your summer special? 
    • Reach out and thank those who shared these moments with you, whether they were close friends, family, or even new acquaintances.
  • What lessons from summer can you carry into the new season? 
    • Reflect on how the growth and insights you gained during summer can support you in the months ahead.

For those of you who joined our group hikes, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your openness to the journey, both physically and emotionally, has been inspiring. These hikes aren’t just about reaching a destination—they’re about the process, the connections we make along the way, and the insights we gain about ourselves.


Welcoming the New Season with an Open Heart

As we prepare to say goodbye to summer and welcome autumn, it’s important to carry forward the lessons and mindset we’ve cultivated.  Autumn brings its own unique beauty and opportunities for adventure—crisp air, vibrant foliage, and the promise of new beginnings.

Embrace an adventure mindset as you step into the new season:

  • Stay curious and open to change. Just as the leaves change color, we too can embrace transformation and see it as an opportunity for growth.
  • Seek out new experiences and challenges. Autumn is a great time to try something new, whether it’s exploring a new trail, starting a creative project, or setting fresh goals for yourself.
  • Practice mindfulness and gratitude. Continue to ground yourself in the present moment, appreciating the beauty of each day and the lessons it brings.


I invite you to join me on our upcoming autumn hikes, where we will continue to explore both the outer and inner landscapes. These walks are an opportunity to deepen your connection with nature, yourself, and a community of like-minded women. Together, we’ll navigate the changing seasons with the same spirit of curiosity and adventure that guided us through the summer.


Join the Journey and Set Boundaries

As we step into this new season, I encourage you to reflect on your own journey and consider how you can continue to nurture your BodyMind connection. If you’re looking for ways to carry the adventure mindset into your everyday life, consider joining my upcoming program, Ignite Your Internal Compass. This program is designed to help you embrace life’s transitions with confidence and clarity, using the wisdom of your body and the transformative power of nature.

Additionally, I’m excited to announce an upcoming workshop that’s perfect for this time of year: Setting Personal Boundaries in Nature.  This workshop is designed to help you explore and set healthy boundaries in a supportive and empowering environment.  We’ll combine the beauty of a guided hike with exercises and discussions that will help you identify and establish boundaries that honor your needs and values.  Whether you’re looking to reinforce existing boundaries or create new ones, this workshop offers a safe space to grow and connect with others on the same journey.

Let’s welcome this new season together, with open hearts, clear boundaries, and a spirit of adventure. I look forward to exploring this journey with you.


Ignite Your Internal Compass is a transformative program designed by women, for women, to guide youĀ in embracing adventure-- both on the trails and in everyday life. Ā Through the integration of BodyMind techniques an adventure mindset, and nature-based coaching, I help you connect with your body's innate wisdom, empowering you to cultivate confidence and grant yourself the permission to live authentically.

So, if you're a woman navigating the complexities of midlife, this is your invitation to join our supportive community. Led by women who understand your journey, Breakthrough BodyMind offers a unique space where you can embrace this journey and rediscover the adventurous spirit within you.


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